“Blacklist” is a gripping crime thriller that made its debut on NBC on the 23rd of September 2013 as an American television series. It revolves around the enigmatic character Reddington, portrayed by the talented James Spader, a former U.S. Navy officer who has evolved into a high-profile criminal. After years of evading arrest, he surprisingly surrenders himself to the FBI.

Reddington claims that his interests align with those of the FBI in combating dangerous terrorists and criminals. However, he agrees to cooperate only with Elizabeth Keen, played by Megan Boone, who is a rookie FBI profiler struggling to analyze her own profile.

Nevertheless, Keen does not fully embrace this notion. In his pursuit of criminals, Reddington maintains a meticulously compiled list of global malefactors, whom he deems a threat to his interests and society at large. These criminals are unknown to the FBI and do not appear on their “Most Wanted” list. Reddington refers to this comprehensive roster as “The Blacklist.”

As the plot unfolds, Reddington skillfully manipulates the FBI to capture enemies and strategic interests, all for his personal gains.

The show is produced by Universal Television, Davis Entertainment, and Sony Pictures Entertainment, with executive producers including John Davis, John Eisendrath, Jon Bokenkamp, Joe Carnahan, and John Fox.

Release Date:

The eighth season premiered on the 13th of November, 2020, and was renewed on the 20th of February 2020, with ten episodes.

Main Cast:

The main cast comprises James Spader as the brilliant serial killer Raymond ‘Red’ Reddington, Megan Boone as Elizabeth Keen, Diego Klattenhoff as Donald Ressler, Harry Lennix as Harold Cooper, Amir Arison as Aram Mojtabai, Laura Sohn as Alina Park, and Hisham Tawfiq as Dembe Zuma.

Recurring Cast:

Laila Robins plays Katarina Rostova, Ron Raines portrays Dominic Wilkinson, and Kecia Lewis appears as Esi Jackson.

Notable Guests:

Huey Lewis makes a special appearance as himself.


Season 8 delves into a more intense and dramatic territory than previous seasons. It will address the unresolved storylines from the previous season.

Elizabeth Keen’s primary goal is to expose Raymond Reddington’s true nature. The question remains, can she succeed?

Additionally, can Liz trust her mother, Katarina? Katarina is a highly dangerous spy, and while Liz acknowledges this fact, Katarina’s trustworthiness remains uncertain. Nevertheless, a significant act in the final episode has a profound impact on Liz, leading her to align herself with Katarina in a tangible way.


The upcoming season promises heightened intensity, with the plot potentially focusing on Reddington’s illness. Will this ailment lead to his demise, or can he once again defy death as he has done multiple times before?

Red’s mysterious disease was first mentioned in season 6 and, if addressed in season 8, could become a central plotline. Liz embarks on a different path as she collaborates with her mother, Katarina, to devise a hidden plan.

While some speculate that season 8 could be the culmination of the crime drama, potentially concluding with Red’s death, his irreplaceable presence leaves fans wondering about the show’s future.

Wrap Up:

During production, Brian Dennehy, who portrayed Glen Carter, and Clark Middleton, Red’s tracker, passed away and were respectively replaced by Ron Raines and Kecia Lewis.

These are the updates available for “The Blacklist” at this time, and we will provide further updates as they become available. Thank you for your continued readership.

Last modified: 2024年4月30日